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After the final inspection of the superfine grinder is abnormal, turn on the power to start the device. Review E&M's tendency to change. Check and set the parameters of the two inverters of the feeding motor and the classifying wheel motor of the ult...
1. The machine has two side-by-side crushing chambers, which achieve the effect of one machine with two stages of crushing operations. The diameter of the rotor in the first crushing chamber is smaller than that of the crushing chamber, and it has ra...
1. For newly installed equipment, when the equipment is in place and the crushing bin is connected, it is inevitable that foreign objects such as iron pieces, welding rod heads, and welding slag will remain. When the fan and the main motor are not tu...
Generally, it is used to crush materials. When working, the materials enter the crushing chamber from the feed port and are crushed by the high-speed rotating hammer. The crushed materials fly to the tooth plate at a high speed and collide with the t...
1. Super fine grinder and power unit should be installed firmly. If the super fine grinder is fixed for a long time, it should be fixed on the cement foundation; if the grinder is mobile, the unit should be installed on the frame made of angle iron, ...
1. The super fine grinder runs every week or so, and needs to be shut down to check whether the filter and dust removal are blocked, and to clean the filter and film-coated dust removal bag. 2. If the bearing has an oil filling standard, add high-tem...
1. The feeding speed is too fast, the load increases, causing blockage During the feeding process, pay attention to the large deflection angle of the pointer of the ammeter at any time. If the current exceeds the rated current, it indicates that the ...
The super fine grinder uses the high-speed rotation of the crushing disc. Under the action of centrifugal force, the material is crushed by the impact of the hammer mounted on the crushing disc, and then is spun to the surrounding ring gear at a very...
As the concept of pulverization continues to penetrate into the Chinese medicine industry, more and more dosage forms require ultrafine pulverization. Super fine grinder rolling is mainly used for coarse and medium crushing, suitable for crushing har...
1. The raw materials entering the pulverizer should be as small as possible. In order to achieve this goal, ordinary mechanical pulverizers should be used for pre-crushing before superfine pulverization, which is a direct and effective way to save en...
1. Operating procedures 1. Check whether there is oil in the lubricating place before starting the machine; 2. Carefully remove metal, sand, stone and other sundries in the material to prevent damage to the machine parts; 3. Operators are not allowed...
After the super fine grinder is abnormal in the later inspection, turn on the power to start the device. Check the direction of rotation of all motors. Check and set the parameters of the two inverters of the feeding motor and the grading wheel motor...
1. Optimize the hierarchical structure. Classification is a crucial part of the ultrafine grinding system. A notable feature of the super fine grinder is that it can realize continuous feeding and discharging to prevent excessively fine grinding of m...
The most notable feature of the ultrafine pulverizer is to achieve continuous feeding and discharging to prevent the material from being crushed too small, resulting in unnecessary power consumption. The jet mill uses high-speed airflow to ultrafinel...
1 grinder, grinder open grading system, check to check whether there are metal objects and debris crushed in the room; 2. Check whether there are metal objects and sundries in the feeding hopper and feeding quality screw of the superfine pulverizer; ...