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Super fine grinder detection 5 essentials
Jun 16, 2023 View: 841 Leave a message

1. For newly installed equipment, when the equipment is in place and the crushing bin is connected, it is inevitable that foreign objects such as iron pieces, welding rod heads, and welding slag will remain. When the fan and the main motor are not turned on, open the impurity removal baffle under the material inlet to let the impurities and washing materials be discharged from here.
2. After we check everything is normal in the early stage, turn on the power to start the equipment. Check the direction of rotation of all motors.
3. Check whether the injection of the electromagnetic valve is normal and strong, and adjust the pulse width of the electromagnetic valve of the dust collector and the interval of injection.
4. Check whether there is any air leakage from the air lock under the brake dragon. You can put your hands or fine powder on the interface to see if there is a feeling of inhalation. If so, it must be sealed. After the above inspections are all normal, prepare to produce with materials.
5. Check and set the parameters of the two inverters of the feeding motor and the grading wheel motor of the super fine grinder, and check whether the adjustment of the corresponding air switch, contactor, thermal relay, and overcurrent relay of the motor is appropriate? Restart all the primary lines Lock it again.

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