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How does super fine grinder check
Jun 05, 2023 View: 874 Leave a message

The super fine grinder uses the high-speed rotation of the crushing disc. Under the action of centrifugal force, the material is crushed by the impact of the hammer mounted on the crushing disc, and then is spun to the surrounding ring gear at a very high speed. The hammer and the tooth The airflow between the rings alternates instantaneously due to the change of the tooth surface.
The ultrafine pulverization equipment should be installed on the foundation of the concrete structure with the development level, and it is not fixed with anchor bolts. When installing, pay attention to the verticality of the main body and the horizontal. After installation, check whether the bolts in each part are loose and whether the door of the main engine can be fastened. If so, please fasten it in time. Configure the power line and control according to the power system of the crusher. work switch. After the inspection and construction is completed, the empty-load test run is carried out, and the enterprise production can start after the test run is in normal use.
After checking everything is normal, start the device. The pulverizer uses high-speed airflow to ultrafine pulverize the material, which can be divided into disc pulverizer and elliptical pulverizer. Check the direction of rotation of all motors.
Check and set the parameters of the super fine grinder feed motor and grading wheel motor, check whether the adjustment of the corresponding circuit breaker, contactor, thermal relay and overcurrent relay of the motor is appropriate, and lock all the main lines again.
Check whether the solenoid valve injects oil for normal suction, and adjust the pulse width of the electromagnetic valve of the dust collector and the interval between oil injections. Check whether there is any air leakage under the brake dragon. You can use your hands or fine powder to feel the suction at the interface. If so, it must be sealed. After all the above inspections are normal, prepare to produce with materials.
It is worth noting to check the wear of super fine grinder wear parts, and pay attention to the degree to replace the worn parts. The chassis of the active device exhausts the surface so that no dust or material is encountered when the movable bearing cannot be removed.
If there is an impact sound when the rotating gear is running, the machine should be stopped immediately for inspection, and the cause of the movement on the chassis should be ruled out, causing a serious accident. Bearing oil temperature rises, stop and check immediately.

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