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The universal pulverizer needs to be operated correctly
Feb 09, 2023 View: 943 Leave a message

(1) The feeding speed is too fast, and the load increases, causing blockage. During the feeding process, pay attention to the large deflection angle of the pointer of the ammeter at any time. If the current exceeds the rated current, it indicates that the motor is overloaded. If it is overloaded for a long time, the motor will be burned out. In this case, the material door should be reduced or closed immediately, and the feeding method can also be changed, and the feeding amount can be controlled by increasing the feeder. Due to the high speed of the universal pulverizer, the load is large, and the fluctuation of the load is strong. Therefore, the current of the pulverizer is generally controlled at about 85% of the rated current.
(1) Unsmooth discharge pipeline or blockage of feeding material too fast will block the tuyere of the universal pulverizer; improper matching with the conveying equipment will cause the discharge pipeline to be weakened or blocked after no wind. After the fault is found, the unmatched conveying equipment should be changed by clearing the delivery port first, and the feeding amount should be adjusted to make the equipment operate normally.
(3) The hammer is broken, aged, the screen holes are closed and broken, and the water content of the pulverized material is too high, which will cause the universal pulverizer to block. The broken and severely aged hammers should be replaced regularly to keep the grinder in good working condition, and the screen should be checked regularly, which can not only improve production efficiency, but also prevent the universal grinder from clogging and enhance the reliability of the grinder.

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