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Types of industrial dry powder mixer
Nov 27, 2023 View: 212 Leave a message
1. Ribbon Blender: This type of mixer consists of a U-shaped trough with a double helical ribbon agitator. It is widely used for mixing dry powders, granules, and pastes. The ribbon agitator creates a gentle mixing action, ensuring efficient blending.

2. Paddle Mixer: Paddle mixers have a horizontal trough with paddles or blades attached to a central shaft. These mixers are suitable for blending cohesive powders and materials with different particle sizes. The paddles provide a vigorous mixing action, resulting in a more intensive blend.

3. V-Mixer: V-shaped mixers, also known as conical mixers, have a V-shaped trough with a double-cone or twin-shell design. They are effective for blending powders, granules, and fragile materials. The V-shape facilitates uniform mixing and prevents segregation of the ingredients.

4. Fluidized Bed Mixer: This type of mixer uses a stream of air or gas to fluidize the powder particles, creating a fluid-like mixing environment. The fluidization helps in achieving rapid and homogeneous blending. Fluidized bed mixers are commonly used in industries such as pharmaceuticals and food processing.

5. Tumble Mixer: Tumble mixers, also called drum mixers, consist of a rotating drum where the powders are tumbled and mixed. These mixers are suitable for blending large quantities of dry powders and granules. Tumble mixers provide gentle mixing without causing excessive heat or shearing.

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