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The three-dimensional mixer needs to pay attention to the following points
Apr 19, 2023 View: 1038 Leave a message

1. Choose a horizontal mixer according to the daily consumption. Because the processing time of each batch of materials in the mixer is about 10 minutes, plus the time of discharging and feeding, the processing time of each batch of materials can be counted as 15 minutes, so 4 batches of materials can be processed continuously in one hour. If you choose a mixer with a processing capacity of 100 kg per batch, it can process 400 kg per hour. Users can choose horizontal mixers according to their needs.

2. Pay attention to the discharge method when choosing a horizontal spiral ribbon mixer. You should communicate with the supplier in time to choose a valve method suitable for your own process, and do not choose the side port discharge method. The reason is: when the mixer completes the mixing and mixing at the specified time, the uniformity of the material can be ensured by discharging it once within the time; if the side port spiral belt is used to discharge it gradually, one will delay the time and fail to reach the expected production rate, and the other is The material has already reached the uniformity, but excessive mixing will cause the material to segregate and destroy the uniformity, thus losing the meaning of using a horizontal mixer.

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