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Spice grinder cleaning steps and precautions
Dec 14, 2022 View: 604 Leave a message

When we clear the spice grinder, we can't do it hastily, but we need to clear it carefully. First, it needs to be washed once, then carefully cleaned with a soft brush, and disinfected if necessary. After cleaning, you can soak the spice grinder, spray it with water, and then use a soft brush to brush off some foreign objects that cannot be cleaned in front. Naturally, if you find that some stubborn foreign objects cannot be removed during the water removal process, you can use cleaning fluid to remove them.

Wet the product with water, then put it in the cleaning solution, and stir the cleaning solution and the water evenly, so that the surface of the product can be evenly covered. In this way, the stains will not be sullen in this link. So sticking to the item, the small scale household grinder then wets the soft bristle brush and gradually cleans the surface and interior, such removal will cause most of the stain to separate the item in an instant, both surface and interior After cleaning, it will gradually run, and the flowing water inside will form a strong flow force, so that a large number of stains inside the product will fall off due to the rapid circulation of dry water and it will be difficult to adhere to it again. The effect is also very satisfactory. The traditional Chinese medicine grinder should be cleaned with water afterward, and then the relevant drying operations should be done to prevent excess loss caused by the retention of moisture for too long.

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