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Operation Method of Ultrafine Crusher
Jan 01, 2023 View: 580 Leave a message

1. After the ultra-fine pulverizer is unpacked, carefully check whether the equipment is damaged during transportation, and then put the high-speed pulverizer and auxiliary electronic control device in place, and then connect them to the main and auxiliary pipelines. Each nozzle flange is equipped with a seal, which should be coated with "iron anchor 609" liquid sealant to ensure the sealing of the pipeline. At the same time, the single pipe and flange are connected with the grounding wire and grounded to avoid electrostatic sparks caused by dust explosion.
2. Before each independent test run, it is necessary to check whether there are metal objects in the machine, and if there are any, eliminate them. Whether the bolts are fastened, the belt tightness, the reliability of the protective cover, etc.
3. Start various stable motors in the following order, close the throttle and start the grinder ->dust collector ->grading device ->screw feeder ->open the throttle valve ->ventilator.
4. After five minutes of no-load operation, the operator shall carefully observe the various instruments on the control cabinet to stabilize the no-load current before feeding. After feeding, the current is not allowed to exceed the rated value of 32.6A, otherwise it should be reduced to the feeding amount to ensure that the discharge can be arranged for normal operation.
5. It can be stopped in the following order. The screw feeder ->5 minutes later, it can be shut down with the host, dust remover, separator ->blower.
6. Operating the stepless speed change handle can change the speed of the grading wheel and adjust the product to a fine. If fine particle size is required, the speed can be increased, and vice versa, the speed can be reduced, and the particle size is large. Proper use of the ultramicro pulverizer can prolong the service life of the equipment.

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