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How to correctly operate the three-dimensional mixer during use
Apr 12, 2023 View: 607 Leave a message

First of all, we need to prepare the materials to be mixed and the three-dimensional mixer. Before using the three-dimensional mixer, we need to make sure that all parts of the three-dimensional mixer are clean. If the three-dimensional mixer is not clean, it will affect the quality of mixing, and it will also pollute the material. Therefore, be sure to clean the three-dimensional mixer before operation.

Next, we need to put the material into the mixer. In order to ensure the uniformity of mixing, the type, weight and proportion of materials need to be strictly controlled. Before putting in the material, it is also necessary to confirm the speed and mixing time of the three-dimensional mixer. Generally, the rotation speed and mixing time can be adjusted according to the nature of the material.
Next, start the 3D Blender. After starting, the three-dimensional mixer will run automatically. It should be noted that during the mixing process, do not open the inlet and outlet of the three-dimensional mixer. During the mixing process, the three-dimensional mixer will continuously rotate, turn up and down and shake. These movements will mix the materials together evenly.

When the mixing time reaches the predetermined time, the three-dimensional mixer should be turned off in time. Next, we need to clean up the 3D Blender. Before cleaning the three-dimensional mixer, it is necessary to close all valves and switches. Then, use cleaning agent to clean the three-dimensional mixer thoroughly. During the cleaning process, we need to be careful not to leave any material residue.

Finally, we need to maintain the 3D mixer. During the maintenance process, we need to carefully check whether the various parts of the three-dimensional mixer are worn or damaged. If there is any problem, it needs to be replaced or repaired in time. This can ensure the normal operation of the three-dimensional mixer and prolong the service life of the three-dimensional mixer.

Generally speaking, the three-dimensional mixer is a very important three-dimensional mixer, which can greatly improve the mixing efficiency and quality of materials. In the process of using the three-dimensional mixer, it is necessary to pay attention to the cleaning of the three-dimensional mixer, the control of materials, the mixing time and the maintenance of the three-dimensional mixer. Only in this way can the normal operation of the three-dimensional mixer and the stability and reliability of the mixing effect be guaranteed.

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