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Daily operation rules of food shredder
Dec 19, 2022 View: 998 Leave a message

The operation process of the food shredder, the main content contained in it is the food shredder, and other impurities or sundries are not allowed, because this will destroy the equipment. Before the equipment is started, it is necessary to check the lubrication condition of its bearings and reducer, whether the lubrication is good or not, it needs to be dealt with properly. Check the oil level in the reducer, whether the oil level is sufficient, and how the oil supply of each bearing oil supply equipment is normal.

Whether the reinforcements such as screws are tightened, whether the impeller is obviously damaged, and whether it needs to be replaced. Whether the electrical switch and travel switch are complete, whether the food grinder can operate normally, and whether the protective cover at the coupling, belt and gear teeth is complete and reliable, and whether the electrical equipment is flexible and reliable.

When the food shredder is running, the operator should not leave the machine, let alone touch the rotating part of the machine, or move the protective cover at will, which is very dangerous. When the crusher is in use, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there is any abnormality in time. If there is a problem, the power source of the equipment should be disconnected immediately, and then professional maintenance staff will handle it. Do not handle it yourself to prevent damage to the equipment.

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