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The main points to be mastered in operating the conical mixer
Sep 20, 2023 View: 569 Leave a message

When the conical mixer is used, there must be a lot of knowledge points that everyone needs to know in advance. Only in this way can its life be extended. First of all, when operating the conical mixer, what you need to know is that you cannot change the pulley casually, in case the speed is too high or too low, which will affect the mixing.

In addition, the thing to do before operating the conical mixer is to turn the rotor by hand to check whether the operation is flexible and normal. If you see whether there is any collision in its casing, then the direction of rotation of the rotor at this time Whether it is correct, whether the motor and double-screw mixer are well lubricated, etc.

And it is also necessary to fix the cone mixer on the cement foundation. If the working place is changed frequently, the double-helix mixer and the motor should be installed on the base made of angle steel. Every step mentioned here is of course very important and must be taken seriously. Here is a regular manufacturer, friends who want to order this product may wish to come here to choose. I believe it will not let you down. The prices here are reasonable and the quality is guaranteed. Welcome everyone to buy.

When operating the conical mixer, in addition to paying attention to these places we have said for you, what you need to know here is that after the conical mixer is installed, you must check the fastening of each part, and at the same time check Whether the tightness of the drive belt is appropriate, whether the motor shaft and the double-helix mixer shaft are parallel.

Then the next thing to do is to run idling for 2-3 minutes after start-up, and start feeding if no abnormality is found. Generally speaking, after 300 hours of machine operation, the bearing must be cleaned and the engine oil replaced; when installing the engine oil, it is better to fill the gap of 1/3 of the bearing seat, not more than 1/2. When stopping for a long time, the transmission belt should be removed. Every process is important.

If you didn't know enough before, then you have to study hard now. And when operating the cone mixer, it is necessary to check the materials to prevent hard objects such as metals and stones from entering the crushing chamber and causing accidents. When feeding, the staff here should stand on the side of the double-helix mixer to prevent the rebounded debris from hurting the face. When crushing the long stalks, do not grasp too tightly to prevent your hands from being drawn in. If it is not in use, it is necessary to stop the feeding first, and then cut off the power and stop the machine after the materials in the standby machine are removed. Cleaning and maintenance should be carried out after shutdown.

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