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Super fine grinder operation and adjustment maintenance content
Mar 27, 2023 View: 1180 Leave a message

One: super fine grinder operating procedures

1. Check whether there is oil in the lubricating place before starting the machine.

2. Remove metal, sand, stone and other sundries in the material to prevent damage to the machine parts.

3. Do not put your hands into the feed port, and do not open the machine cover during operation.

4. The aperture of the sieve should be properly selected, and the damaged part should be riveted.

5. It is strictly forbidden to start the machine under load. The machine should be fed evenly after running for one minute.

6. Before shutting down, idle for 2 minutes to remove the remaining material in the machine.

Two: Adjustment and maintenance

1. The main wearing parts of the crusher: flat teeth, round teeth, large and small grinding teeth. The flat teeth and round teeth are made of fine steel, with good dynamic balance, and should be replaced if they are severely worn. The size of the self-made gold processing should be standardized, and the weight difference of each piece should not be greater than 1 gram, so as not to damage the bearing and the machine due to vibration.

2. Sieves of various specifications from 0.6 to 12 mm. When replacing, the glossy side should face down.

3. The bearings are regularly filled with high-speed butter, and checked once every half a month. If serious wear is found, it should be replaced or repaired in time.

4. Collision is strictly prohibited, and the inside and outside should be cleaned up and kept properly to prevent rust if the machine is shut down for a long time.

Three: super fine grinder machine maintenance and storage

1. Frequently check the fastening of each component to prevent it from loosening and falling off and damaging the machine.

2. The oil injection holes should be refueled frequently, and the bearing parts should be cleaned and filled with lithium-based grease every six months.

3. When shutting down for operation, the machine should be idling for a period of time, blow off the remaining material in the machine, and then shut down.

4. When the machine is not in use, the sundries outside the machine should be removed, all rotating parts should be filled with grease, and stored in a warehouse with dry air and no corrosive gas.

Four: Matters needing attention

1. The operator should stand on the side of the feeding port, and it is forbidden to extend the hand into the feeding port, and the machine cover is not allowed to be opened during operation or when the machine is not stopped.

2. It is strictly forbidden to start the machine under load. When the feeding port is blocked, it is forbidden to force feed it by hand or wooden sticks, and stop the machine immediately for inspection. When working, it is necessary to feed the material in an appropriate amount and evenly. If there are semi-wet materials that are not dry, it is better to dry them in the sun, or reduce the feeding amount.

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