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Basic conditions for choosing a super fine grinder
Mar 22, 2023 View: 1011 Leave a message

1. Material properties

The properties of the material include comminuted material properties and density. The crushed material of the jet mill is taken out of the crushing chamber by the negative pressure airflow caused by the fan, enters the material collection system, and is filtered by the filter bag, the air is discharged, the material and dust are collected, and the crushing is completed. The super fine grinder is a device that uses air separation, heavy pressure grinding, and shearing to achieve ultrafine grinding of dry materials. It is composed of cylindrical crushing chamber, grinding wheel, grinding rail, fan, material collection system and so on. The super fine grinder material enters the cylindrical crushing chamber through the feeding port, and is crushed and sheared by the grinding wheel moving in a circular motion along the grinding track to achieve crushing. Grindability has a great influence on the processing capacity of the material. Usually based on the actual results of the processing to determine the best method is to use the pulverizer in grinding, calculate what kind of material to choose from the experimental results obtained by scaling; or check the working refractive index of the material, per ton of material to obtain the power consumption mill, and then determine the required mill specifications.

2. Material status

This item mainly refers to the humidity and temperature of the material. Different from wet crushing, in dry crushing, if the water content of the enterprise's materials does not exceed 3%, the processing technology capacity of the mill will rise and fall sharply, especially the dry ball mill is more important. When dry crushing can be used for wet materials, it is advisable to keep the moisture content below 1% after the materials are dried in advance.

3. Material particle size

Different from the crusher, the feed particle size has a great influence on the crushing capacity of the crusher, and is one of the main factors affecting the processing capacity of the crusher. Therefore, in the crushing stage, the energy consumption in the crushing stage is much less due to the different energy consumption in the crushing and crushing stages. It is very important to apply the principle of more crushing and less grinding in the crushing operation. Therefore, in the crushing stage with less energy consumption, the fine products should be crushed as much as possible to reduce the energy consumption in the crushing operation.

4. Crushing ability

Choosing a crusher means that the first element of the same size can be obtained, even if the product needs to be crushed according to the required capacity, and then the type, size and other crushing methods are suitable for the mill to choose.

5. Crushing method

The crushing methods are divided into wet type and dry type. Wet type pulverizers are limited to rotary pulverizers using steel balls or other media, as well as tower pulverizers. There are also many types of dry pulverizers. The operation before and after the crushing operation, the number of crushing sections, the choice of crushing process, etc.

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