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Precautions For Grinding Machine:
Oct 11, 2022 View: 724 Leave a message

① Before starting the centerless grinder, check the surrounding conditions of the machine table, and place the workpieces on the machine table in order; Check whether the water level of the berth and cooling water tank is normal, and whether the clearance between the grinding wheel and guide wheel and the support blade is normal.

② Before the centreless grinder works, add water and oil according to the operating instructions of the grinder, and check whether the water stain, oil stain, water volume and oil volume are normal; Check whether the water and oil paths are smooth, keep the lubrication system clean, and prevent the water tank and oil tank from opening.

③ When centerless grinder is processing, the consistency of workpiece size must be checked. The grinding wheel abrasive that meets the material requirements of the workpiece shall be selected.

④ When the centerless grinder is used for processing, the center between the supporting frame, the grinding wheel and the guide wheel shall be in a straight line to avoid material grinding bending.

⑤ When it is necessary to stop the production operation of the workpiece, the grinding wheel and guide wheel should be idling continuously for about 5 minutes before stopping the water supply. Wait until the grinding wheel and guide wheel are dry, so as to avoid imbalance when they are used next time.

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